The History of the IATSS
Since the early days of the company,Honda founders Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa had been contemplating what the role of mobility such as motorcycles and cars should be in society. In particular, they realized the need for a proactive approach to safety, both in terms of hardware (products) and software (education).
In 1974, after retiring their leadership roles, the two founded the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) with the aim of deeply and broadly addressing and resolving transportation issues beyond the company, for society as a whole.
As Japan's first interdisciplinary research organization in the field of transportation, the IATSS began it's activities with a diverse membership including researchers in transportation and safety engineering, psychology, education, communications engineering, economics, and cultural anthropology, as well as journalists and cartoonists. Encouraging free and vigorous discussion, they began study and research on the role of automobiles in society, and the now and future of transportation in society.
【1974~1978 Searching for the basic business development】
The International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) was founded in September 1974 with private funds from Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa, founders of Honda Motor Company, to address traffic and related issues and to contribute to the realization of an ideal mobility society.
Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the founding, 23 members from universities and research institutes were invited to participate.
The history behind the Association's founding includes Japan's period of economic growth and the accompanying recognition of serious social issues such as traffic accidents, environmental and energy issues.
1974 Founding of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences
1975 "Study on Sukiyabashi Crossing"
1975 1st Domestic Symposium "Japanese and Traffic"
1975 Published the Japanese Academic Journal "IATSS Review"
1976 1st International Symposium "DISCOVERIES:
An Intelligent Human Approach to Traffic Problems"
1977 Published the English Academic Journal "IATSS RESEARCH"
1977 Published "DISCOVERIES" which summarized
the 1st International Symposium.
1977 The significance of the Symposium was detailed in
"The Engineer Spirit"(written by Soichiro Honda et al.).
【1979~1984 Expansion of each subcommittee's functions】
Two cornerstones of our business activities were established during this period.
(1) Establishment of a forum for international discussion through Symposium activities
(2) Specific proposals to society based on interdisciplinary research and studies
1978 The 2nd International Symposium "Mobility for Man and Society"
Held under the theme of discussing the ideal mobility society.
1980 The 1st Award Ceremony was held on
the 5th anniversary of the IATSS.
1980 The 3rd International Symposium "Man and High Speed Society"
1982 The 4th International Symposium "Man and Space"
1984 The 5th International Symposium "Urban Space and Mobility"
【1985~1994 Expansion of domestic and international advocacy】
In Japan, we actively disseminated information to society based on interdisciplinary knowledge and research results, while our International activities provided a forum for discussion that transcended not only national and regional differences, but also the positions of researchers and government officials.
Held the ISIRT (International Scientific Initiatives on Road Traffic), as an area of exchange activities with foreign countries. Three Symposiums were held to provide a forum for researchers and government officials involved in transportation in Japan, the U.S., and Europe to discuss road transportation themes and common themes for the future.
1989 1st Theme "Safety" Venue: Netherlands
1991 2nd Theme "Road Traffic and Environment" Venue: Sweden
1991 3rd Theme "The Future of Mobility" Venue: France
【1995~2004 Review and development of research theme selection policy】
With the bursting of the bubble economy, the economic downturn continued, forcing a review of
the activities of academic societies.
In the field of transportation as well, the traditional emphasis on functionality has given way to a demand for "culture" in mobility, and the introduction of comfort, relaxation, and aesthetics into the transportation society has become an important theme in the Society's research and survey activities.
Conducted on-site survey after the Great Hanshin- Awaji Earthquake of 1995, and presented measures to minimize damage, and problems and
solutions in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.
1995 Launched ISSOT (International Student Seminar on Transport Research) to promote international exchange.
→Symposium activities by international and Japanese students in fields related to transportation were held every other year in Japan and abroad until 2007.
2003 Organized International Symposium "Kick-off Meeting for Halving Road Deaths." Co-hosted the Symposium with the Cabinet Office, inviting researchers from participating countries.
【2005~2014 New initiatives for international and interdisciplinary approaches】
Planned and developed "Special Projects" to stimulate interdisciplinary activities in Japan. At the International Symposium, then president Yasuhei Oguchi presented the "IATSS Vision" and declared a new direction for the society.
"IATSS declared its determination to undertake a more global, more interdisciplinary effort to develop hardware, software, and 'mindware' that will enable people, working with science and technology, to achieve a new transportation society."
2005 Published "Will 'Transportation' bring about Regional Revitalization?:
Transportation Society in the Age of Decentralization"
2006 Published "Civilization and Culture Connected by 'Transportation':
Learning from History and Talking about the Future"
2007 Published "Design Changes 'Transportation Society'
- Beautiful Land, Attractive Transportation"
2007 Established Asian Transportation Research Society (ATRANS) in Bangkok,
Thailand to promote an interdisciplinary and international
"place for free discussion."
2008 Published "Challenge: Rebirth of Japan - Crossing the Boundary
between 'Public' and 'Private'"
2009 Published "The New Century of the Black Ships
- Economic Strategies in the Age of Globalization"
2009 Published "Urban Quality Stock
- Integrated Strategies for Land Use, Green Space, and Transportation"
2010 Started full electronic publication of
the English Academic Journal "IATSS RESEARCH"
2012 Published "Urban Development from Parking Lots
- For Urban Regeneration"
2012 International Workshop "Transportation and Safety for the Coming Age
- Learning from the Lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake"
2014 Symposium "IATSS Mobility Design 2024
- Designing the Ideal Mobility Society for 10 Years
Down the Road" in commemoration of
the 40th anniversary.
【2015~2024 Foster transportation culture and accelerate internationalization】
Every year, more than 1.2 million people die in traffic accidents in the world. In addition, with global urbanization,
there are an increasing number of issues to be addressed, such as energy issues, global environmental sustainability issues, and social participation issues due to the gap between the rich and the poor.
These issues must be addressed with "human wisdom and courage." The IATSS is also planning to implement a new grant program for elementary, junior high, and high school students, who will be the future leaders of Japan's transportation society, and we are confident that our activities to realize the IATSS Vision will continue to grow as we move beyond the 50th anniversary of our founding.
1 ) Establishing a Strategic Council for the 50th Anniversary
2 ) Starting up an annual International Symposium
- GIFTS (Global Interactive Forum on Traffic and Safety)
3 ) Launching Strategic Projects for the 50th Anniversary Through these initiatives,
we actualized the IATSS vision.
Based on the IATSS vision, the following two foundations have been established for the progress of our activities.
1 ) Deepening of Social Implementation and internationalization
2 ) Advancing Internationalization
2015-2024 The 1st-10th Global Interactive Forum on Traffic & Safety
(GIFTS) International Forum
2024 IATSS 50th Anniversary
Under the Strategic Council for the 50th Anniversary, discuss new visions and goals for the future of the Society and strategies to materialize these visions and goals.