Message from the President

 The International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) is a transdisciplinary platform that seeks to realize the ideal mobile society, with its core members playing leading roles in their respective fields. During its history of over 40 years, remarkable advances in transportation have brought our society both convenience and prosperity, and yet it must be acknowledged that we are still only midway along the road to safe, reliable mobility that does not burden our energy resources and the environment.
  IATSS prioritizes transdisciplinary research and studies that transcend the barriers between fields of specialization, engaging diverse stakeholders to play an active role in bringing science, policy, and society together, and build relationships of co-creation that foster mutual growth.  IATSS is now turning its attention to mobile society in Japan and beyond, recognizing the diversity of traffic conditions and traffic cultures around the world as it develops international activities aimed at building new paradigms for mobile society in each region.
  As we look forward to 2024, which will mark the 50th anniversary of our founding, we are aiming to launch transdisciplinary, international, and progressive initiatives -- such as a recently established forum for periodic international discussion of traffic and safety.
 In closing, I would like to thank you all for your guidance and your support for our activities to date, as well as to ask for your continued support for our important work ahead.

Kazuhiko Takeuchi
President, IATSS